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Large-scale Nature Conservation Areas in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries in the Legal Context
Mazancová, Eva ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee) ; Müllerová, Hana (referee)
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze and compare the degree of protection of the large-scale nature conservation areas in the legal orders of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and, in the conclusion of the thesis, to answer the question of whether these countries' regulation provides a sufficiently effective protection to these areas. Legal orders of the examined countries are analyzed with regard to the scope and effectiveness of the large-scale nature conservation legal instruments. Administrative instruments are examined and compared, including the degree of proprietary rights restrictions and related compensations of property loss. Furthermore, the conceptual and economic instruments (both positive and negative stimulation) are also examined. The analysis also focuses on the regulation of legal liability in regard to the large-scale nature conservation. Next, the thesis focuses on the institutional framework of the large-scale nature conservation in the examined countries and on the evaluation of the scope of the nature protection authorities' competence. Another point of interest is the degree to which the rights of the relevant subjects (owners, municipalities, environmental NGOs) are affected by the designation of a...
Large-scale Nature Conservation Areas in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries in the Legal Context
Mazancová, Eva ; Franková, Martina (referee)
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze and compare the degree of protection of the large-scale nature conservation areas in the legal orders of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and, in the conclusion of the thesis, to answer the question of whether these countries' regulation provides a sufficiently effective protection to these areas. Legal orders of the examined countries are analyzed with regard to the scope and effectiveness of the large-scale nature conservation legal instruments. Administrative instruments are examined and compared, including the degree of proprietary rights restrictions and related compensations of property loss. Furthermore, the conceptual and economic instruments (both positive and negative stimulation) are also examined. The analysis also focuses on the regulation of legal liability in regard to the large-scale nature conservation. Next, the thesis focuses on the institutional framework of the large-scale nature conservation in the examined countries and on the evaluation of the scope of the nature protection authorities' competence. Another point of interest is the degree to which the rights of the relevant subjects (owners, municipalities, environmental NGOs) are affected by the designation of a...
National parks in the Czech Republic and their legal regulation
Klimešová, Veronika ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Pokorný, Jiří (referee)
National parks in the Czech Republic and their legal regulation Abstract The subject of this master theses are national parks in the Czech Republic and their legal regulation. The main legal document that regulates the issue of national parks in our country, is the Act No. 114/1992 Coll., On Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended. This Act has been significantly amended and its wording has been in force since 2017. For the most part, this new regulation affected especially national parks that represent the most important and strictly protected areas in the Czech Republic. Although, in practice the amendment has not yet been fully reflected, as some institutes are still in the process of negotiation or approval. The aim of this thesis is therefore by means of methods of description, analysis and comparison comprehensively summarize regulation of the existing national parks and at the same time in the light of the previous legislation to compare it and analyze. Subsequently, critically evaluate the extent to which the Czech legislator has managed to create an effective legal regulation responding to the current needs of nature protection. At the same time, the thesis also aimed to compare the legal regulation of national parks with a foreign state, specifically Slovakia. This thesis is divided into six...
Legal regulation of nature protection in national parks
Zámyslická, Lucie ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Damohorský, Milan (referee)
Legal regulation of nature protection in national parks Abstract The purpose of the thesis is to provide an overview of legal instruments used to protect nature in national parks after the amendment of the Act No. 114/1992 Coll., On Nature and Landscape Protection ("NLP") and evaluate their functionality. Although Act No. 123/2017 Coll., which amended the NPL, has been in effect since June 1, 2017, changes are being reflected in practice gradually. The thesis is elaborated by a descriptive method connected with the analysis of effective legislation and it is formally divided into six chapters. The first chapter deals with sources of legal regulation, the second one deals with the term of national park itself, including a short historical excursion and the international concept of IUCN. This chapter also includes the issue of the protection zone and the process of proclaiming national parks. The third chapter is devoted to the new concept of management zoning and also contains the current information on the zoning discussion in individual national parks. The fourth chapter contains an overview of the tools that lead to the limitation of various activities in the territory of the national park, whether they are basic or closer protective conditions, restrictions and prohibition of activities according to § 66...
Large-scale Nature Conservation Areas in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries in the Legal Context
Mazancová, Eva ; Franková, Martina (referee)
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze and compare the degree of protection of the large-scale nature conservation areas in the legal orders of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and, in the conclusion of the thesis, to answer the question of whether these countries' regulation provides a sufficiently effective protection to these areas. Legal orders of the examined countries are analyzed with regard to the scope and effectiveness of the large-scale nature conservation legal instruments. Administrative instruments are examined and compared, including the degree of proprietary rights restrictions and related compensations of property loss. Furthermore, the conceptual and economic instruments (both positive and negative stimulation) are also examined. The analysis also focuses on the regulation of legal liability in regard to the large-scale nature conservation. Next, the thesis focuses on the institutional framework of the large-scale nature conservation in the examined countries and on the evaluation of the scope of the nature protection authorities' competence. Another point of interest is the degree to which the rights of the relevant subjects (owners, municipalities, environmental NGOs) are affected by the designation of a...
Large-scale Nature Conservation Areas in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries in the Legal Context
Mazancová, Eva ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee) ; Müllerová, Hana (referee)
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze and compare the degree of protection of the large-scale nature conservation areas in the legal orders of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and, in the conclusion of the thesis, to answer the question of whether these countries' regulation provides a sufficiently effective protection to these areas. Legal orders of the examined countries are analyzed with regard to the scope and effectiveness of the large-scale nature conservation legal instruments. Administrative instruments are examined and compared, including the degree of proprietary rights restrictions and related compensations of property loss. Furthermore, the conceptual and economic instruments (both positive and negative stimulation) are also examined. The analysis also focuses on the regulation of legal liability in regard to the large-scale nature conservation. Next, the thesis focuses on the institutional framework of the large-scale nature conservation in the examined countries and on the evaluation of the scope of the nature protection authorities' competence. Another point of interest is the degree to which the rights of the relevant subjects (owners, municipalities, environmental NGOs) are affected by the designation of a...
Zvláště chráněná území v České republice a ve světě
The bachelor thesis focuses on specially protected areas in the Czech Republic, the situation in the world is also mentioned. These areas are enshrined in our legislation and they are one of the most important tools for nature and landscape protection. Specially protected areas are set up on natural or aesthetically important localities with remarkable or important biological diversity, with a unique geological structure, characterizing landscape features of cultural landscape and on territories important for scientific research. They are divided into different categories that determine the degree of protection in the announced territory. The aim of the specially protected areas is to safeguard, maintain and improve the extant state of the locality, or left the area its spontaneous evolution.
Vliv hospodářských zásahů na změnu v biologické rozmanitosti ve zvláště chráněných územích: Vliv různých managementových zásahů na vegetaci vřesovišť v Národním parku Podyjí II.
Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita v Brně, Ústav půdoznalství a mikrobiologie, Brno ; Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra botaniky, Brno ; Botanický ústav AV ČR, Průhonice, pracoviště Brno ; Záhora, Jaroslav ; Chytrý, Milan ; Tůma, Ivan ; Holub, Petr ; Sedláková, Iva
V roce 1992 byly založeny pokusy, které měly ověřit, zda vypalování, kosení a odstraňování drnů jako tradiční typy managementu západoevropských vřesovišť povedou k obnově a zmlazení vřesovišť v NPR Podyjí. Dále bylo v roce 2000 založeno 30 nových ploch na studium vlivu pastvy a kosení. Od roku 2000 je také sledována dynamika mikrobiálních transformací dusíků v půdě, rychlost rozkladu opadu a efektivita využití N a P rostlinami. V roce 2001 byly na vřesoviště naistalovány srážkoměry.
Vliv hospodářských zásahů na změnu v biologické rozmanitosti ve zvláště chráněných územích: Sledování vlivu antropických faktorů na vybrané druhy ptáků v NPR Praděd se zaměřením na studium modelového druhu lindušku luční
Universita Palackého v Olomouci, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Ornitologická laboratoř, Olomouc ; Bureš, Stanislav
Tento dílčí projekt navázal na dosavadní studie prováděné v zájmovém území řešitelem od roku 1986. Při terénním výzkumu bylo v roce 2001 nalezeno 50 hnízd lindušky luční a 5 hnízd lindušky horské. Dále byly dokončeny analýzy uhynulých těl mláďat na koncentrace toxických kovů a údaje jsou nyní vyhodnocovány. Potvrdily se zvýšené koncentrace především u olova. Telemetrickými studiemi byly získány prvotní informace o rozptylu a mortalitě mláďat po vyvedení z hnízd.
Vliv hospodářských zásahů na změnu v biologické rozmanitosti ve zvláště chráněných územích: Management porostů s akátem a jeho výsledky v podmínkách CHKO Český kras
Správa CHKO Český kras ; Rivola, Milan
Během této etapy byla věnována pozornost rámcovému syntaxonomickému postavení akátových porostů, byl zpracován historický přehled zásahů proti akátu, realizovaných v CHKO Český kras, souborně byl zpracován přehled o podobných aktivitách v jiných územích s vyhodnocením zkušeností, byla podána charakteristika ROUNDUPU - všeobecně užívaného herbicidu při potlačení akátu a charakteristika současného stavu vybraných ploch, na nichž byly aktivity proti akátu v minulosti Správou CHKO Český kras realizovány. Z rozboru všeobecných zkušeností a posledně uvedeného porovnání pak vyplynuly závěry a předpoklady, které vyústily v založení terénního pokusu na lokalitě Šanův kout.

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